Friday, September 24, 2010

Calcium Imaging

A group of researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology uses Prizmatix LED products for Ca imaging.

The setup included: a Zeiss Axioskop 2 FX Plus microscope with a 20X immersion objective for imaging in solution. The camera is a Photometrics QuantEM with 512 x 512 pixels covering a field of view of 400um x 400um. Fluorescence is excited using a Prizmatix 500nm Mic-LED-500.

In the image below are shown neuronal network activity of a 2-Dimensional culture of dissociated embryonic day 18 rat cortical neurons visualized using calcium-sensitive fluorescent marker Fluo-5F. With thanks to Michelle Kuykendal, Gareth Guvanasen, Steve Potter, and Stephen DeWeerth. July 2009, Georgia Institute of Technology.