Classical Mercury Lamps are gradually giving way to new illumination systems based on high-power LEDs. Prizmatix offers two series of microscope fluorescence illumination: the standard High Power MIC-LED series and the new Ultra High Power UHP-MIC-LED series. Prizmatix’s compact LED light source modules are an effective replacement of lasers and Hg lamps in many applications.
The above images were taken with an Olympus IX81 inverted microscope equipped with a Qimaging Retiga 1300R monochrome camera. Note that the exposure time with the Mercury lamp (right) is 5000 msec, while the exposure time with the UHP-Mic-LED-460 is 2500 msec (left).
Sample: Molecular Probes prepared slide #3 (kidney cells) stained with Alexafluor 488.
Images courtesy of G. Sobocinski, University of Michigan.
As demonstrated in the above images, the Prizmatix UHP-Mic-LED-460 is significantly brighter than 100W mercury lamps.
Key Features:
* Compatible with Prizmatix modular Microscope LED Light Source products range
* TTL external triggering
* Excellent for fluorescence excitation
* LED spectrum can be narrowed by optional band pass filter installed inside the LED head
* Stable, precisely adjustable power
* Long life (no lamp or laser tube replacement required)
* Speckle free
* Rapid warm up time
* Fluorescence microscopy Auramine, di-8-ANEPPS, GFP, Quantum Dots
* Whole body imaging of small animals in-vivo
* Photo activation (PA)
* Photostimulation of Channelrhodopsin ChR1, ChR2
* Fluorescence recovery after photo bleach (FRAP)
* Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
* Bio analysis
* Machine Vision